
116 - someone I wish to meet

Interesting topic #09

Hmmmm. Jesus :)
I don't really have an urge to meet anyone at the moment. I take whoever comes in to my life eventhough there are some that are harder to like than others. Sometimes people are too satisfied with their lives to make an effort to include you. That's why I look at it this way now.

People are different. I'd say life is unfair. Why can life be like pencil and clean paper?
At times I wish I was reincarnated to become a paper or a pencil. LOL. Funny thought but I still like being human. But life is so confusing it makes me feel like I don't like being human. And exams are hard that it makes me feel like I'm born into a totally wrong cultured family.

I don't get why people classify asians as smart people. Society should really look at themselves before talking about other people. Stereotyping people would be one of the things that I hate the most. None of us are anywhere to judge a stranger because of skin or looks or the amount of books they carry in their hands. What happened to kind people with proper minds? Just because I'm asian it doesn't mean I should get all A's for my subjects. And just because I take Art it doesn't mean I'm stupid and blonde. And what is it with asians being the smart ass in Maths? I'm failing. How do you explain that?

The fact that sometimes these stereotypes are actually playing in front of my eyes makes me feel out of place. Like, I am not suppose to be asian or more likely, not worthy to become asian. But really, IDC. I just totally changed the topic..heh. This time I'll let it be. I feel like blogging what I feel today.

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