
114 - My favourite internet friend

Interesting topic #08

Hmmm. I wouldn't say I have a favourite internet friend. I don't favor my friends whether it's internet or not internet. If the opposite side is willing to be friendly then I'll try my best to be friendly too, seeing the fact that I'm not the kind that would interact awesomely with random strangers in a place that I'm not comfortable with but rest assured, I promise you that I'll be more evelyn as time passes. What is evelyn anyway?O:

I am what I feel and if my feeling is inappropriate to the situation then I listen to people or space out.

So if I would name my sort of fav internet friend then it would be Jason Lai a.k.a my so called grandfather. (P.S his blog link is in the sidebar) Maybe it's because I've learnt to prefer meeting people in person rather than chatting online. Talking on the phone would be much better as well. That probably explains the reason why I don't have a particular favourite.

Back to the point, I met Jiji(what I call him) once. The once where he totally rejected my oh-so-friendly-goodbye-hug. Obviously I know I have no boobs but you didn't have to be so mean. GEE-STRING. He's King's neighbour..some pretty ancient youthful days those were. Don't remember how I had him on my msn friends list but his email magically appeared. One reason why I like chatting with him is that he doesn't treat me as someone who migrated to Australia. Probably because we never got to know each other in person well enough before. (Here he comes on msn.)But yeah, that's one reason why. It's funny how a person I don't really know well would chat with me more than my friends would, and kind of sad. Would I say I know him well? I can't tell because it's not based in person. But I'd would be pretty fun. Minus his talks about politics and war and the world, which I just don't understand and totally ignore. He's one of the people I can be vulgar to and one of those that I can ask to "Shut the !@#$ up!" and he wouldn't mind at all. Some people can't take it..SO HERE IS A DESCRIPTION OF MY INTERNET FWEND. *double nod*

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