
064 - I like converse

This week has been productive. :D
My internet it on super slow speed now. I'm enjoying it.
Definitely not cruising my way through year 11 but I think studying is quite fun. *gasp I did not just say that. D: Feels like nerd*

But! I still miss my internet. Life feels different when you're studying.
Like, I feel in the safe zone. Sort of. *no.idon'tmakesense*
So yeah, I have been revising chemistry a lot because I suck at it and I figured out that it isn't that hard anymore.

The bad side is how super slow my internet is. I'm actually stealing my neighbour's wireless. *shhh* I shall wait a week. I want my download to go fasterrr.

And I haven't been drawing for ages as well. Skills are degrading. NUUU
Bad quality webcam pictures.

Hoho. I haven't drawn anime in ages.
Shana love melon bread. :D I miss her awesome-ness.

Fact: I like converse but I think it's too common these days.

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