
014 - Oh noes?

Happy Chinese New Year! Well, and Valentines cause it falls on the same day.. Coincidently. ^^ll

My dad is coming to aussie tomorrow! I can't wait to get my tablet back! Yellow Alien..I miss youuuu! But I haven't cried about it yet. It would be stupid to cry about a tablet. heh. Only a few more hours!:D

Today, I had to get up early to go to the library in the city with my brother. "The library with lots of manga to borrow" hahaa..Yeah, I kinda go there just for the manga.=P But they have good dvd's as well. =] I forgot to bring my phone so we kinda missed the first bus we were waiting for and went home to get my phone. ^^ll

Later on, we had like an hour more to meet up with my mum at work and I thought my brother would want to go to Tokyo Underground but he didn't. He wanted to read his book!/nobigdeal

So I left him to read and I went to walk around in the city for a bit. My sister was riiight! The shirts were only 5dollars. Geez.SALEEE! But nyeh.. why bother. I shouldn't waste money.:P

BUT! I still have a 50 dollars Myer giftcard and therefore..I went to take a look at what Myer had. Ughh, the clothes there were sooo....Adult-ishh. Well, TOO adult-ish. So yah! I felt like buying a summer dress and was wondering whether Myer has any. So, I looked around and bought a dress.

My L Petit Nendoroid! I feel so bad. I can't even take a decent picture of L. He must hate me.=P
And...I can't put him in my room either.

I know. Like WTF right?! Since when in my whole life have I ever bought a dress?! ''OTL

But I'm starting to think dresses look decent enough to fit into my wardrobe of shorts, jeans,singlets and converse.

Shorts and singlets are still in my top list though. Currently, dresses are at the bottom. heh.

I'm starting to like my bedroom moarr now. lol. Maybe cause it's neater. hahah

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