
011 - Where?

Only colors are mine. Picture is credited to original artist on dA

Guhhh...I am so busy today.
Had to study for my art test tomorrow. It's about some dude called Brett Whiteley. You do not wanna know how frustrating it is trying to memorise what he did in his life. Not like I care. :P

So yeah, I'm waiting for my files to transfer for my speed paint video. And...this thing came into my mind a few hours ago.

I was taking a break from my work, and play..And I went to lie down on my bed. And so I thought..

"Jeez, life is pretty boring here. I don't have anyone to sms. I don't feel like sms-ing because I can't even be myself."

And I thought..Who am I going to talk to now? I mean, who am I going to share all my crap to. I miss having the advantage of friends being there to hear my rubbish talk even when I know I don't make sense. And I refuse to believe that friends can be there for you all the time because everyone knows deep down that people can't be there for you if you're half way over the globe.

It's just like...

A girl moving to another country and her boyfriend is in her old country and then he tells her, " Baby, I'll always be there for you" or.."I'll always be there when you call"

This is just bullshit. Cause everyone knows well enough that he is NOT going to be there all the time. Well, to be more precise..90% of the time. Ughh..if a girl believes that shit I seriously shall slap her.:P Kidding. But it drives me crazy..people that would believe that.

I can guarantee you that if the girl dies..he would be not the first 10 persons to know but more like the 50th? Maybe he wouldn't even know at all!

What if I died? No one would know. o_o CHOI. haahaaa...Crapping again. Me.:D

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