
103 - what makes me smile

I think I've run out of facts about myself that I use as titles.

So I have been drawing.(more like finishing my assignment) I dislike how I can't just stick to one thing but so far, I'm loving the process of painting these no matter how tiring and exhausting it may be.

I have neglected Wiggles for today because I have been enjoying my painting process. I was suppose to clean his tank today but I didn't. (which I will HAVE TO do tomorrow).

I'd say, I feel as though I've wasted a whole day on painting! But it makes me smile and forget all my worries. I may not be the best painter but I'm painting for myself and the benefit would be that I have something to love. The something that would never fail to make me enjoy life, and who knows I might just inspire someone else. (I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen that often)

Adjusted contrast

Sort of normal color?


Quick 10 minute sketch for cooling down~ WHEEE

I lost my Cool Red paint tube cover. I don't know how I lost it, I just did. Sometimes I feel like I'm being more of a klutz as I grow older.However, I do know it's somewhere around me in my room. Oh well, I reckon I should get some rest now.

My right side of the bottom of my stomach feels weird.Meh....

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