
101 - innocent beings

Primary 3

Primary 5

How often do we look at pictures of our past? I know I don't look at it that often. But eventhough I don't do it often, the memories are still imprinted into my brain. (Obviously I would prefer having some of them replaced by maths equations, chemistry solutions and bio info) Having memories of my past in my brain isn't so bad anyway, minus the bad times. But the thing is, all those bad memories don't look bad to me anymore. I guess things change overtime.

It's kind of overwhelming to be looking back at pictures where I don't even recognize myself in it. I can't remember how I looked like when I was in 9 years old, but it's a wonder how I can recognize most of the other people apart from me. I guess being innocent makes humans not think about their looks as much as when you grow older. The consciousness of our minds has not developed fully. Even so, I still miss the old days of being young because there was nothing to worry about. I despise the fact that everytime I have another birthday there's this thought that another tiny bit of my innocence is going to go away. Having innocence isn't bad or good though. But it's good sometimes because I can believe in the impossibles. Instances where I know there isn't a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but I still believe it. Of course innocence has it's bad parts, that's why humans should have a balance of maturity and innocence. (which I obviously do not have)

I know most of the people in my class photo are still in the same school. And to be honest, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to still be back in that picture.Yes, I would. I would love to not miss out on friends that I already had for 14 years in the same environment. But when I think about it, I would be so unnaware of the outside world if I hadn't left because there are so many things that we still don't know about this world. Staying in your comfort zone isn't the best thing. And when I left, I noticed a lot about the past and well and the present :D

I don't know what else to say. I guess I don't have an argument today since I just woke up.

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