
098 - Sunsets makes my heart smile.

Whee. Two more posts and it'll be my 100th.
I'll be sure to draw something.

I've been busy.

Today while sitting on the bus home, my eyelids feeling heavy I looked at the orange sunset and I wondered whether that is the feeling of love. No matter how I hated the blinding light of the sun, it amazed me. It put me in awe, in wonder of how the sun can pour out so much light into this tiny earth of ours. At times it may be extremely bright, especially during lunch break hours. But the time I'd like to look at it most is at around 5-6 in the evening. When it sets, when it turns orange red, when I can see the gentle side of the blinding light.

There's this feeling. Like awe, but I was not shocked to see the same old picture of the sun. I wasn't bored with it either. Everytime I looked at it my heart gasps and I feel all happy and warm inside. Perhaps it's the warm colours having an effect on me but I could feel it. The bliss and happiness it gives. My heart is smiling although my face looks deadly filled with tiredness. It's so hard to explain the feeling because it was one that I always wondered about. One that I always lay deep in thought trying to figure out what feeling it actually is. I don't know if I have ever fallen in love with a human being but this feeling certainly felt like love. The sun that looks almost as though it could make you blind has transformed into something you can love. And one thing I love about it is that although the night creeps in, I always know that the sun will come out again tomorrow no matter how much darkness covers it. I guess it must be one of the characteristics of the lets others shine. Other people such as the moon and the twinkling stars. And of course, not forgetting the bright unmoving satellite whom I always wished on without noticing.

The sun helps the world shine without dimming itself and no matter what it does, it makes everything shine together with it. I think people should be like that.. People should shine for who they are and make the world shine together with them. I haven't met any yet but I'm pretty sure there are some pretty shiny people out there. Not ones that shine for themselves but for the sake of life, companions, strangers and to summarize it..I could say THE WORLD.

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