
131- Confused are the people of this world.

Featuring Crimson Irony by yuumei
Addresing the issue of killing sharks. An epitome of greatness I'd say.
With the current state of the earth and the world, the countless disasters; it seems like the world might actually come to an end. Millions of inhabitants of this earth live in denial. Denial of many sorts. Is it natural for humans to live this way? A twisted way of pushing their thoughts aside? But buried under their flesh and mind is the list of endless questions. But to who? to God? to the world?

The fact is that humans are actually clueless or the lives they lead. As a human, I would at least understand that. Every day, hour, minute; we know that anything can happen. Some people live such fulfilling lives that drives them to believe that there is an impenetrable forcefield sheilding their lives from misfortune. Have you ever thought of the millions of possibilities of where your life might lay at stake of death? Being robbed, getting raped, being run down by a truck, being pushed off the stairs, getting shot, developing an illness. The list goes on.
So why are we leading ourselves to confusion by living in denial? Why don't you just ask the questions and get them answered. Speaking for all people of this world, we are confused people. I am confused myself. Confused about this world and this universe that God has created.(Or some may not believe in so) Therefore, I have no points to put down on paper today looking at how confused I am myself. But to admit that you are confused, even if it doesn't have anything to do with the world; will be something that will make humans realize that they are the same as any other individual on this earth. That we all have questions to ask. But are you getting them answered?

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