
082 - Does not have a job ATM

by ofstars on Deviantart

I saw some photos of my friends in Malaysia and wondered,
What would actually happen if I did stay in Malaysia?

New class, Tons of subject and I would also be complaining about how the government decided to cancel the compulsory exams such as PMR and UPSR (which I worked hard for. minus PMR *grin*)
Same friends, same food, same outing places. (plus a few new stuff)
And also, would I be going out with someone? secretly maybe. And then, it wouldn't end up nice anyway.
Oh, and immature problems.
Same phone, same sms subjects, same study areas, same pencils, same paper.
I guess I would love being in the same box.

But I guess coming here wasn't so bad afterall. Change can be a good thing. :)
New friends, new room, new wall, new fetish, new converse, new school.
New skills. new sketchbooks, new jeans, new figurines.
And maybe new me as well. So yeah, who on earth wouldn't like new stuff?!
I can't believe I didn't like it last year. *shock*
Yea yeah, of course I wouldn't be dating someone, but a boyfriend isn't everything in life.
I gained a bit more freedom, a bit more maturity, a bit more girlyness, a bit more pervert-ish and a bit more of something I don't know.

I realized something on the way back from camp.
That living in two places makes life seem unreal. Because if you lived in one place and believe everything there, it seems like there in nothing that you cannot believe.
Moving to a new place is like having two types of ice-cream but only being able to taste one. (totally random)
You get sad because you can't taste the other. But hey, you still get to taste the other type which other people might not have tasted before.
I guess I was just being selfish for wanting to taste the other one.

If life is fragile like a dandelion,
Then you wouldn't have to worry about being blown away
Because when you do, every single piece of you will sprout.
There would be more and more of you. And soon!
You'll notice that you can fly away and still be alive.

My my. So cold. I hope I haven't caught a fever.
And stomach ache at the same time. EXCRUCIATING!
I'm getting a new phone soon. Thumbs up for cap plans!

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