
119- Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like

Hellurs. My lack of commitment during the holidays.
My bad. not your bad. it's my bad. I KNOW IT'S MY BAD.

Interesting topic number TEN.

First, I have ten fingers and toes. :D Amazing discovery.
Someone I don't talk to as much as I'd like to?
I don't really think about things like these. My answer would be....everyone!
Of course there are people that I dislike talking to sometimes but I still talk to them. Maybe I wouldn't strike up a conversation first but I don't completely ignore them either. On the other hand, I'd like to talk to more and more people in this world. HOHOHO

Because I don't know a lot of people yet but maybe by talking to them I can change their lives a little bit. Humans exist in someone else's life for a reason anyway, right? You may not know why that pretty girl attended the party only to have realize that her smile lights up your darkest memories (OMG. I sound so...drama-ish) But it's true right? Even if you're talking to a kid. And eventhough they may not remember who you are when you grow up...But just by looking at them growing up to be such a fine child makes me happy as an individual. So, I guess being playing with them wasn't pointless afterall.

Sometimes, I really want to talk to the strangers on the streets. When I look all around there's all these different people walking front and back, right and left. It makes me wonder why did God make every individual so different and unique. By looking at them, I wish I could see how we would react to each other as friends. This earth is amazingly interesting if you go deep in thought. Like how can the sky look like that? What would be beyond the sky?

Maybe it's the same with humans. Like my thought on how would my relationship be beyond the barrier of not talking as much to a person. But, everytime I learn something about someone I'm happy because it's like I just gain another fact of knowledge.

So in conclusion, I would like to talk to anyone. :)
If I like you, then I might show more of myself and hope that the person does the same.

To end this post I shall post a statement of a sort:

I know this pig who likes eating other pigs. Her name is Celestine Chan Rui Ting. I just noticed Rui Ting reminds me of the word "writing". Anyway, I call her babi which means pig in malay. She really likes pigs and pig eating. But she's not fat at all..But maybe that's gewd because if she became fat she might end up eating herself while looking in the mirror. What a scary image.

Evelyn's randomness.

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